Its been sometime since I posted last and this is due to the intense workload I currently have and the amount of time I am spending on my studies is pretty much all the time I have right now but hey a quick blog post can't hurt right?

Rob you say studies but what does that mean? What have you been actively working on?
both great questions and I have updated my website to reflect some of these changes and work in progress.
I have been working on Team Project, where me and my team have been producing a 3D Game in Unity3D we have a randomly generated world.

Application Development I have been writing the first essay about business and using intranet applications, I have also started the second assignment which can be seen in the first image below. This is a basic layout of my web development assignment.

Finally Graphics II which I have been developing a 3D Rendering engine in Direct3D 11, I have finally gotten Object loading working along with zBuffering & Normals.

Hopefully more posts soon
Thanks all

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