Hello everyone and welcome back, now its been a long time now since my last update this is all in all due to the new routine and new job. I had to finish a lot of University towards the end of may and then quite soon after I started my first day at placement here in Derby no less.

I begun work on the 4th of June so I have been there just over two months, I have learnt a lot over these past 2 months and feel that I shall continue to learn more invaluable lessons as the months go on. I feel much more confident as a programmer and hope to continue to grow in confidence.

During July the team at http://www.bevelstudios.com headed to Brighton for the yearly develop conference, we met lots of great people went to quite a few gatherings and played lots of interesting and enjoyable games while we were there. The weather was fantastic and over all it was a fantastic experience that I hope to enjoy once again next year and in the years beyond.

Currently I am working on a project with Bevel Studios and its great, interesting and challenging just what I need to prepare myself for final year and the industry.

Well that's about all for now, I shall try and get a new post up at least every week.
Rob Watling

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